
Magic Items

Every adventure holds the promise?but not a guarantee?of finding one or more magic items. Lost Mine of Phandelver contains an assortment of magic items that hints at the wider variety of magic items waiting to be found in the worlds of D&D. See the Dungeon Master’s Guide for many more items.

Using a Magic Item

A magic item’s description explains how the item works. Handling a magic item is enough to give a character a sense that something is extraordinary about the item. The identify spell is the fastest way to reveal an item’s properties. Alternatively, a character can focus on one magic item during a short rest, while being in physical contact with the item. At the end of the rest, the character learns the item’s properties, as well as how to use them. Potions are an exception; a little taste is enough to tell the taster what the potion does.
 Some magic items require a creature to form a bond with them before their magical properties can be used. This bond is calledattunement, and certain items have a prerequisite for it. If the prerequisite is a class, a creature must be a member of that class to attune to the item.
 Attuning to an item requires a creature to spend a short rest focused on only that item while being in physical contact with it (this can’t be the same short rest used to learn the item’s properties). This focus can take the form of weapon practice, meditation, or some other appropriate activity. If the short rest is interrupted, the attunement attempt fails. Otherwise, at the end of the short rest, the creature gains an intuitive understanding of how to activate any magical properties of the item, including any necessary command words.
 An item can be attuned to only one creature at a time, and a creature can be attuned to no more than three magic items at a time. Any attempt to attune to a fourth item fails; the creature must end its attunement to an item first. Additionally, a creature can’t attune to more than one copy of an item. For example, a creature can’t attune to more than one ring of protection at a time.
 A creature’s attunement to an item ends if the creature no longer satisfies the prerequisites for attunement, if the item has been more than 100 feet away for at least 24 hours, if the creature dies, or if another creature attunes to the item. A creature can also voluntarily end attunement by spending another short rest focused on the item, unless the item is cursed.

Item Descriptions

Amulet of Health

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Your Constitution score is 19 while you wear this amulet. It has no effect on you if your Constitution is already 19 or higher.

Armor, +1, +2, or +3

Armor (light, medium, or heavy), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3)
You have a bonus to AC while wearing this armor. The bonus is determined by its rarity.

Bag of Holding

Wondrous item, uncommon
This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15 pounds, regardless of its contents. Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action.
 If the bag is overloaded, pierced, or torn, it ruptures and is destroyed, and its contents are scattered in the Astral Plane. If the bag is turned inside out, its contents spill forth, unharmed, but the bag must be put right before it can be used again. Breathing creatures inside the bag can survive up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate.
 Placing a bag of holding inside an extradimensional space created by a Heward’s handy haversack, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can’t be reopened.

Boots of Striding and Springing

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While you wear these boots, your walking speed becomes 30 feet, unless your walking speed is higher, and your speed isn’t reduced if you are encumbered or wearing heavy armor. In addition, you can jump three times the normal distance, though you can’t jump farther than your remaining movement would allow.

Cloak of Elvenkind

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While you wear this cloak with its hood up, Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide, as the cloak’s color shifts to camouflage you. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action.

Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Your Strength score is 19 while you wear these gauntlets. They have no effect on you if your Strength is already 19 or higher.

Gloves of Swimming and Climbing

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing these gloves, climbing and swimming don’t cost you extra movement, and you gain a +5 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb or swim.

Goggles of Night

Wondrous item, uncommon
While wearing these dark lenses, you have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, wearing the goggles increases its range by 60 feet.

Headband of Intellect

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Your Intelligence score is 19 while you wear this headband. It has no effect on you if your Intelligence is already 19 or higher.

Keoghtom’s Ointment

Wondrous item, uncommon
This glass jar, 3 inches in diameter, contains 1d4 + 1 doses of a thick mixture that smells faintly of aloe. The jar and its contents weigh ½ pound.
 As an action, one dose of the ointment can be swallowed or applied to the skin. The creature that receives it regains 2d8 + 2 hit points, ceases to be poisoned, and is cured of any disease.

Potion of Flying

Potion, very rare
When you drink this potion, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour and can hover. If you’re in the air when the potion wears off, you fall unless you have some other means of staying aloft. This potion’s clear liquid floats at the top of its container and has cloudy white impurities drifting in it.

Potion of Invisibility

Potion, very rare
This potion’s container looks empty but feels as though it holds liquid. When you drink it, you become invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry is invisible with you. The effect ends early if you attack or cast a spell.

Potion of Vitality

Potion, very rare When you drink this potion, it removes any exhaustion you are suffering and cures any disease or poison affecting you. For the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number of hit points for any Hit Die you spend. The potion’s crimson liquid regularly pulses with dull light, calling to mind a heartbeat.

Ring of Evasion

Ring, rare (requires attunement)
This ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. When you fail a Dexterity saving throw while wearing it, you can use your reaction to expend 1 of its charges to succeed on that saving throw instead.

Ring of Protection

Ring, rare (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while wearing this ring.

Ring of Resistance

Ring, rare (requires attunement) You have resistance to one damage type while wearing this ring. The gem in the ring indicates the type, which the DM chooses or determines randomly.

Table;Ring of Resistance

d10 Damage Type Gem
1 Acid Pearl
2 Cold Tourmaline
3 Fire Garnet
4 Force Sapphire
5 Lightning Citrine
6 Necrotic Jet
7 Poison Amethyst
8 Psychic Jade
9 Radiant Topaz
10 Thunder Spinel

Spell Scroll

Scroll, varies A spell scroll bears the words of a single spell, written in a mystical cipher. If the spell is on your class’s spell list, you can use an action to read the scroll and cast its spell without having to provide any of the spell’s components. Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible.
 If the spell is on your class’s spell list but of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an ability check using your spellcasting ability to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a failed check, the spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect.
 Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and the scroll itself crumbles to dust.
 The level of the spell on the scroll determines the spell’s saving throw DC and attack bonus, as well as the scroll’s rarity, as shown in the Spell Scroll table.

Table:Spell Scroll

Spell Level Rarity Save DC Attack Bonus
Cantrip Common 13 +5
1st Common 13 +5
2nd Uncommon 13 +5
3rd Uncommon 15 +7
4th Rare 15 +7
5th Rare 17 +9
6th Very rare 17 +9
7th Very rare 18 +10
8th Very rare 18 +10
9th Legendary 19 +11

 A wizard spell on a spell scroll can be copied just as spells in spellbooks can be copied. When a spell is copied from a spell scroll, the copier must succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s level. If the check succeeds, the spell is successfully copied. Whether the check succeeds or fails, the spell scroll is destroyed.

Wand of Magic Detection

Wand, uncommon
This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the detect magic spell from it. The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Wand of Magic Missiles

Wand, uncommon
While you hold this wand, you can use an action to expend 1 to 3 of its 7 charges to cast the magic missile spell without using any components. For 1 charge, you cast the spell as if you used a 1st-level spell slot, and you increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you spend.
 The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges each day at dawn. However, if you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.

Weapon, +1, +2, or +3

Weapon (any), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3)
You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The bonus is determined by the weapon’s rarity.


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